What is wrong with me? - is there something wrong with me if bowel is green
I do not want to gross anyone, but I am quite serious when I ask him. I'm having problems with it .... Movements of the intestine, but not in the traditional sense. There were times that I am 4 days without a day off and if I have 2 or 3 They are very fast in general. Well, they are rarely given, it is more like diarrhea all the time. 2 days ago was green the day before and after a few weeks earlier. I have great difficulty gaining weight. In the spring, especially with weight gain, I much everything he could. I ate and ate and ate and whether they are fat or protein, I am still 135 lbs. There are somedays when I feel alone all day really tired. Do I like a tapeworm or something? Any ideas would be useful.
Is There Something Wrong With Me If Bowel Is Green What Is Wrong With Me?
11:16 AM
You're too young to have these stomach problems. Get your ass to the doctor. Share everything we said. The doctors are very intelligent. You Fix It Up physically and mentally, you'll be happier. Make the appointment. tomorrow! :)
happened to me once .. I went to the doctor and was told it was probably a virus. tested my chair, and there was nothing and left a few days later. then maybe he has a virus?
The best thing to do is to consult with your doctor, you can refer to a specialist for examination. Do not be too concerned about his age, its unlikely that something very serious. But best to check the rules.
Are you all kinds of pills, drinking colored liquids (Kool Aid)
Eat a balanced diet. No fast food, fiber increased. bowels.green determine the frequency of their own shit, is the result of eating something blue. brown + blue = green.
White simply could function in the body (relative to the distance between them) I, if I go on vacation, and I'm with other people, I go for a maximum of seven days. , Try it, referring to his other problems, with more fiber. I use Beni-fiber, which is tasteless, you can put it in water or soda. The fiber will help you keep more. I may also suggest taking a daily multivitamin
Find Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is what I think. You why medicine, Zelnorm ....
I hope you can gain some knowledge about them.
You should see a doctor! Do not be shy, it can happen to anyone, the longer you wait, the worse it can get.
Go see a doctor
seriously go to the doctor! It could be any type of cancer.
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